Fox Television
Twentieth Century Fox is the network that brings hit shows like the Simpsons, Family Guy and Empire. However, it’s also the network known for Fox news. Fox wanted to have a better understanding of how Latino consumers view their brand. Their goal was to reach a mix of English and Spanish speaking consumers to better understand what television programs consumers think of when they think of Fox, and how consumers rate the relative appeal of these programs. As part of a multiagency team, Maroon Society conducted “on-the street” interviews with Latinos in Los Angeles in English and Spanish. The insights revealed the dominant role Fox news plays in shaping the brand of Fox; and, it demonstrated that, although Latinos are aware of Fox’s flagship programs, they don’t see these as “Fox programs.” Instead, they see them as entertainment, separate from the brand. These insights gave Fox a blueprint for being more deliberate in pushing the Fox brand to Latino consumers.