We helped LA Mayor Garcetti's Office improve the City's response to domestic violence.
We developed the strategic approach the City of Los Angeles takes to treat and prevent HIV.
We helped LAX land new routes and modes of ground transportation for airport passengers.
We developed the approach West Hollywood takes to achieve their HIV Zero Initiative.
We partnered with Santa Monica's Big Blue Bus to measure and improve customer satisfaction.
We helped Los Angeles County demonstrate the efficacy of mental health promoter programs for Latina women.
We helped Children's Hospital LA improve communication between patients and providers.
We helped Metro pick-up more passengers by introducing environmental Greening strategies.
We developed an aging in-place plan for the Southern California Association of Governments.
We are measuring progress made by West Hollywood to achieve the HIV Zero Initiative.
We helped LA SAFE fortify their mobile app to connect motorists to emergency services.
We helped the City of Los Angeles expand routine opt-out HIV tests at clinics and hospitals.
We helped the City of Los Angeles improve how it confronts gang violence and gang initiation.
We gave Metro tools to optimize their bus and rail routes to meet ridership demand.
We kept Metro on track by educating passengers about the shift from paper to digital payments with TAP cards.
We helped New Orleans Airport take flight by assessing the impact of a new terminal.
We gave Washington University tools to discuss genetic research with family's in ICU.
We helped a global food and beverage retailer make healthy sandwiches appealing to Latino consumers.
We helped Fox Television learn how to highlight flagship television programs to Latino consumers.
We helped a multi-national Quick Casual restaurant use sensory perception to generate customer engagement.
We inspired Hollywood Burbank Airport to connect planes, trains, and automobiles with an intermodal transit hub.
We helped an education and advocacy organization optimize the effectiveness of their college leadership program.
We helped the Detroit Health Department identify students at risk for substance abuse, and ideal for intervention services.
We gave Agilent Technologies the equation to generate satisfied customers.